The website of Helen Taylor.
If you want to see the research itself you can find it here
Dyslexic Advantage
It is a different way of thinking that has been essential for human survival and adaptation. People with dyslexia have specific strengths that help them explore the unknown and discover new possibilities.
Dyslexia is a neurological difference that affects how people process language, especially reading and writing. It is not related to intelligence or effort. It is estimated that up to 20% of the population has some form of dyslexia, regardless of culture or region.
For many years, dyslexia has been seen as a problem or a disadvantage. People with dyslexia often struggle in school and face stigma and discrimination. However, this view is incomplete and inaccurate. Dyslexia also comes with unique abilities and advantages that are often overlooked or ignored.
Of course, we do not deny that dyslexia also comes with challenges and difficulties, especially when it comes to reading and writing. These are important skills in our modern society, and people with dyslexia often face barriers and obstacles in their education and work. We do not want to ignore or minimize these struggles, but to offer support and solutions.
However, we also do not want to focus only on these difficulties and overlook the bigger picture. Dyslexia is not a flaw or a failure. It is a natural variation that has its own strengths and advantages. To judge people with dyslexia based on one medium of communication is unfair and inaccurate. It can also damage their self-esteem, motivation, and well-being.
We want to help them develop their talents and passions because that is where there future or job will be.
Dr Helen Taylor, a researcher at the University of Cambridge, has proposed a new perspective on dyslexia. She argues that dyslexia is a form of “cognitive specialization” that has evolved to help humans cope with changing environments. People with dyslexia are more tuned to global rather than local processing, distant rather than close associations, conscious rather than automatic thinking, and diffuse rather than focused attention. These skills make them more creative, innovative, and adaptable.
Taylor and her colleagues have reviewed a large body of evidence from neuroscience, psychology, and education that supports this view. They have found that people with dyslexia perform differently not only on reading tasks, but on many other cognitive tasks, some of which show superior abilities. For example, people with dyslexia tend to excel at divergent thinking, the ability to generate novel and varied solutions to problems. They also have enhanced visual-spatial skills, such as mental rotation and navigation. Furthermore, they have a greater sensitivity to context and ambiguity, which can help them understand different perspectives and situations.
These strengths are not only beneficial for individuals, but also for society as a whole. Taylor suggests that people with dyslexia play a crucial role in human adaptation and survival, by exploring new resources and opportunities, inventing new technologies and methods, and creating new forms of art and culture. She cites many examples of successful dyslexics who have made significant contributions to various fields, such as Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Steve Jobs, and Richard Branson.
Therefore, we need to change our attitude towards dyslexia and appreciate its value and potential. We need to recognize and celebrate the strengths of people with dyslexia, and provide them with the support and opportunities they need to thrive. We need to design our education and work systems to accommodate different ways of learning and thinking, and to foster collaboration and diversity. We need to understand that dyslexia is not a mistake, but a gift. It is a vital part of the human spectrum that enriches our world.
The website of Helen Taylor.
If you want to see the research itself you can find it here
Dyslexic Advantage
This is something I "Christian Boer" experience sees everyday working in field of dyslexia and talking to other dyslexics. It is finaly also backed by science research of Helen Taylor.
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