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Dyslexia symptoms might be difficult to spot before your child starts school, but several early warning signs may suggest a problem. Your child's teacher may be the first to identify a problem once your child enters school age. The severity of the issue varies, but it usually becomes obvious when a child begins to learn to read.

The signs and symptoms listed below could indicate that your kid has a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD), such as dyslexia. Many young children will exhibit these characteristics and make similar errors. The intensity of the behavior and the length of time it lasts are crucial indicators of a learning disability like dyslexia.


The following are signs that a young child may be dyslexic:

  • A dyslexic child has issues with speech development and starts talking late.
  • The learning ability of new words is slow.
  • Faces a lot of word-formation issues, for example; mixing up homophones or reversing words sounds.
  • Recalling, singing, or naming letters, numerals, and colors is difficult.
  • Learning or playing rhymes is difficult.
  • Learning nursery rhymes is difficult.
  • Paying attention, sitting still, and listening to stories are all difficult tasks.
  • Listens to stories but is uninterested in letters and words.
  • Words like cucumber and flutterby are muddled.
  • Maintaining a simple rhythm is difficult.
  • It’s difficult for him to carry out two or more orders at once (e.g., put the toys in the box, then put it on the shelf), but he can do smaller jobs.
  • Forgets the names of friends, teachers, and colors, among other things.
  • Auditory discrimination is poor.
  • Dyslexia/reading difficulties in the family.
  • Sequencing problems, such as colored beads and classroom routines
  • Replaces words like “lamppost” with “lampshade.”


There are some clear symptoms, such as a ‘spiky' profile, which indicates that a child has both strong and weak areas of skill. There's a chance you have additional family members with comparable flaws. Keep in mind that not all dyslexic children will have the same strengths and limitations. Dyslexia indications and symptoms may become more obvious after your child starts school.

The following are some general warning indicators to look out for:

  • Poor concentration due to sluggish spoken and/or written language.
  • Instructions are difficult to follow.
  • Having trouble remembering words.
  • Problems processing and interpreting what he or she hears.
  • Reading substantially below the predicted level for age.
  • Finding the perfect word or developing responses to queries is difficult.
  • Problems recalling what happened in what order.
  • Similarities and variances in letters and words are difficult to see (and occasionally hear).
  • Inability to pronounce a word that is foreign to you.
  • Spelling difficulties
  • Taking an exceptionally long time to complete tasks that require reading or writing.
  • Avoiding reading-related activities.


When compared to spoken competence, the written output is of poor quality.

  • Produces a sloppy product with several crosses out and words that have been tried multiple times.
  • Letters that seem similar, such as b/d, p/g, p/q, n/u, and m/w, might be confusing.
  • Handwriting has a lot of ‘reversals and letters that aren’t well-formed.
  • In one piece of writing, he spells a word many times.
  • Makes word anagrams, such as tired for tried and bread for beard.
  • Produces poorly formatted written material that does not adhere to the margins.
  • Poor pencil grip results in phonetic and odd spelling, which is inappropriate for the age and ability level.
  • Letters or words are arranged in an odd order.


  • Reading progress is slow.
  • Has trouble blending letters together and determining syllable division, as well as identifying the beginnings and endings of words
  • Words are pronounced in an unusual way.
  • There is no expression in the reading, and the understanding is poor.
  • Reading that is hesitant and labored, especially when read aloud.
  • When reading, he or she leaves out words or adds extra ones.
  • Words that aren’t familiar aren’t recognized
  • Has trouble selecting out the most significant things from a passage that is being read or written Has difficulty picking out the most crucial points from a paragraph that is being read or written.


  • Tables, days of the week, and the alphabet are all difficult to memorize in a sequential manner.
  • Confusion over place value Units, tens, and hundreds.
  • Symbols like the + and x signs might be perplexing.


  • Poor time management.
  • Personal organization is lacking.
  • Remembering what day of the week it is, their birth date, the seasons of the year, and the months of the year is difficult.
  • Conceptual difficulties – yesterday, today, and tomorrow
  • Difficulty in learning and telling time.


  • Poor motor abilities, resulting in pencil speed, control, and accuracy issues.
  • Memory problems, such as those related to daily routines, self-organization, and rote learning.
  • Remains perplexed by the distinctions between left and right, up and down, and east and west.
  • Undecided hand preference.
  • Variable performance from day to day.


  • Avoids work by sharpening pencils and browsing for books, among other things.
  • He appears to be ‘dreamy,’ and he does not appear to be listening.
  • Distracted easily.
  • Behaves like a class clown, or he or she is obnoxious or withdrawn.
  • Is overly weary as a result of the amount of concentration and effort necessary.

A cluster of these symptoms, together with areas of aptitude, may indicate dyslexia, necessitating additional examination.


Dyslexia is a combination of strengths and challenges. The gap between them is frequently the telltale sign. Despite some areas of difficulties, a dyslexic learner can be highly capable and educated orally, as well as creative, artistic, or athletic. Along with these powers, there will be a set of challenges that will be unique to each individual.

A Diagnostic Assessment is the only way to determine if you have dyslexia.

There are, however, some markers that can help you spot a young person who may be dyslexic.

The symptoms of dyslexia in teenagers and adults are comparable to those in children. The following are some of the most prevalent dyslexia indications and symptoms in teenagers and adults:

  • Reading difficulty, including reading aloud
  • Reading and writing at a snail’s pace and with a lot of effort
  • Spelling issues
  • Avoiding reading-related activities
  • Mispronunciation of names or words, as well as difficulties recalling words
  • Problems understanding jokes or statements with a meaning that cannot be deduced from the words themselves (idioms), such as “piece of cake,” which means “easy.”
  • Taking an exceptionally long time to complete reading or writing assignments
  • It’s difficult to summarize a tale.
  • Having difficulty learning a new language
  • Memorizing is difficult.
  • Having trouble solving arithmetic problems.


Despite the fact that most children are ready to learn to read by kindergarten or first grade, children with dyslexia frequently struggle to understand the fundamentals of reading at that age. If your child's reading ability is below what is expected for his or her age, or if you detect other indicators of dyslexia, consult your doctor.

Childhood reading difficulties persist into adulthood when dyslexia is left undetected and untreated.


Dyslexia is a condition that runs in families. It appears to be linked to genes that alter how the brain interprets reading and language, as well as environmental risk factors.


The following are some of the risk factors for dyslexia:

  • Dyslexia or other learning impairments in the family
  • Low birth weight or premature birth
  • Nicotine, drugs, alcohol, or virus exposure during pregnancy may affect the fetus’s brain development.
  • Individual distinctions in the areas of the brain that allow you to read


The following are some of the risk factors for dyslexia:

  • It’s difficult to learn. Because reading is a prerequisite for most other subjects in school, a dyslexic student will be at a disadvantage in most classes and may struggle to stay up with peers.
  • There are social issues. Dyslexia can lead to low self-esteem, behavioral issues, anxiety, anger, and detachment from friends, parents, and teachers if left untreated.
  • Issues as an adult A child’s failure to read and comprehend can impede him or her from reaching his or her full potential as an adult. This has the potential to have long-term educational, societal, and economic ramifications.

Dyslexic children are more likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and vice versa. ADHD can result in trouble maintaining focus, as well as hyperactivity and impulsive conduct, making dyslexia treatment more challenging.


A Diagnostic Assessment conducted by a trained dyslexia assessor is the only way dyslexia can be formally diagnosed. This test will determine whether or not your child is dyslexic. You'll get a complete report explaining your child's strengths and limitations, as well as a better understanding of their cognitive profile and how to best help them.

The purpose of the assessment is to:

  • To draw attention to the young person’s unique learning or working style, as well as what works and what doesn’t.
  • To compile data on reading, spelling, and writing abilities.
  • To determine if there is an obvious disparity between general aptitude and reading and writing proficiency.
  • should take into account other elements that may have an impact on learning
  • Determine whether any Reasonable Accommodations are required for a young person to fully access the curriculum and tests.