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Dyslexia is not a disorder or a defect! Neither are you.

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects reading, writing, and spelling skills. It is not related to intelligence, hearing, or vision. It is caused by differences in the brain’s language processing. Dyslexia can make learning challenging, but it can also bring some advantages, such as creativity, problem-solving, and exploration.

One of the researchers who has studied the positive aspects of dyslexia is Dr. Helen Taylor from the University of Cambridge. She has proposed that people with dyslexia are specialized in explorative cognitive search, and play an essential role in human adaptation to changing environments. She argues that dyslexia is not a disorder, but a specialization that has evolutionary benefits.


Some of the common signs of dyslexia are:

Difficulty reading, writing, or spelling words
Problems remembering or naming letters, numbers, and colors
Trouble with sequencing, timing, or organizing information
Difficulty finding the right word or expressing thoughts
Confusion with similar-looking or sounding words or letters
Difficulty with math word problems or learning a foreign language
Slow or labor-intensive reading or writing
Avoiding activities that involve reading or writing
Low self-esteem or frustration about school or learning

These signs can vary from person to person, and from day to day. They can also be influenced by the environment, the teaching methods, and the emotional support. Dyslexia can be diagnosed by a series of tests that assess memory, vision, spelling, and reading skills

There is no cure for dyslexia, but there are ways to help people with dyslexia learn and succeed. Some of the strategies are:


Adjusting the teaching methods to suit the individual’s learning style
Using multisensory techniques, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile aids
Providing extra time, assistance, or accommodations for reading or writing tasks
Using technology, such as text-to-speech, speech-to-text, or dyslexia-friendly font like Dyslexie Font
Encouraging the strengths and interests of the person with dyslexia
Providing positive feedback and emotional support
Seeking professional help, such as tutoring, therapy, or coaching


The website of Helen Taylor.


If you want to see the research itself you can find it here
