2010 University of Twente (ENG) Learn More
2012 Survey primary schools (ENG) Learn More
2013 University of Amsterdam (NL) Learn More
2013 University of Twente (ENG) Learn More
2015 University of Lille (ENG) Learn More
The research showcased here was independently initiated by universities, without any direct affiliation or financial ties.
Notably, two studies stand out: the eye tracker study, employing advanced technology to directly observe the font's impact on comprehension and reading, and the research on schools and individuals, reflecting tangible results that resonate with real-life experiences.
2015 University of Lille (ENG)
This study found that using a specific font improved reading for dyslexic children. The adjusted font reduced mistakes in reading aloud and enhanced eye movement patterns during silent reading, indicating better lexical access.
The font's impact on word frequency was significant. Additionally, it improved saccade size, making reading easier and more preferred by over 70% of participants. Importantly, the improved reading with the adjusted font also led to better comprehension, as shown by higher test scores.
Original text from research:
In this study, the effects of an adjusted font on performance when reading aloud and reading silently among a group of dyslexic children are explored. Concerning reading aloud, the adjusted font results in a decrease in the error rate. When reading is done silently, we observe significant differences concerning oculomotor parameters. The durations of the first fixations as well as the gaze durations are shorter when the participant reads a text in an adapted font.
These temporal indicators are in line with the processes of lexical access that thus seem to be better achieved (Rayner, 1998 Reingold, 2003; Reingold & Rayner, 2006; Reichle, Warren & McConnel, 2009). This result is confirmed by the data concerning the effect of frequency: we observe a significant effect in frequency on gaze duration when the text is written in font D, and this effect is accentuated even more for total fixations, this configuration is not obtained when the text is presented in font A. It is understood that these effects only affect the gaze durations and total fixations, and not the durations of the initial fixation because this is more in relation with pre-lexical or intra-lexical processes.
As with temporal indices, the spatial indices are also influenced by the adjusted font. In particular, we observe an increase in the amplitude of saccades, which testifies to a greater reading facility. In fact, when a text is difficult to read, (Rayner, 1998), among children learning to read (Khalifi, 2013) or in poor readers, the size of the saccades is reduced. Yet in our case it increases, which is compatible with the hypothesis according to which the adjusted font makes reading easier, at least for dyslexics. This objective observation confirms the sentiments of the participants themselves, more than 70 % of which prefer the
adjusted font.
In parallel, comprehension becomes more efficient: the results from the comprehension test are greater for the text written with font D. Given that lexical access is facilitated, the cognitive load induced is weaker, which makes more resources available for the post-lexical processes involved in comprehension. As attention and saccades are associated, the increase in the size of saccades could well permit, in the very specific case that concerns reading, better attention control.
2012 Survey research among primary schools and daily users
Both researches and articles on the typeface Dyslexie are done independently by Judith van de Vrugt and Annalotte Ossen. After each question, there is an option to give an explanation for more information. These are also included in the report after each question.
The research has been done in the Netherlands, and has been translated to English. So there could be Dutch reference to products or lesson material in the report.
Over the years, several studies have been conducted by various universities confirming an overwhelmingly positive effect. Read More about effectiveness for Dyslexie Font in the Studies below.
2010 University of Twente (ENG) Learn More
2012 Survey primary schools (ENG) Learn More
2013 University of Amsterdam (NL) Learn More
2013 University of Twente (ENG) Learn More
2015 University of Lille (ENG) Learn More
Convinced of the positive effects of Dyslexie font for a while now, we received research results on its effectiveness.
Several pieces of research among people with dyslexia have shown that both children, as well as grown-ups, can read faster and make fewer mistakes using the Dyslexie font. Additionally, people who work with dyslectics, such as teachers, parents and remedial tutors are asked about their opinion and observations concerning the effectiveness of the font.
72,2% of the tested persons are able to read faster with Dyslexie font
73,2% of the participants make fewer mistakes with the font
About 84,3% of the dyslectics would recommend using Dyslexie font to others
When it comes to dyslexia, the most important thing is to simply ask the person with dyslexia what they need and follow that.
In addition to researching typefaces, I also explore broader research on dyslexia. This aims to provide more information to teachers, professionals, and parents. Below are some studies that place dyslexia in the right perspective and hopefully provide valuable insights to people. In the Netherlands, we host the Week of Dyslexia annually with the same initiative, featuring international researchers and speakers.
Complementary Cognition: Enhancing Adaptability Through Collective Intelligence
Helen Taylor
The theory of Complementary Cognition sheds light on how humans have evolved to specialize neurocognitively in distinct yet interrelated ways of seeking information. These complementary cognitive processes work together as a complex adaptive system, contributing to our species’ remarkable capacity for adaptation.
Key Insights:
Specialization and Adaptation: As a result of specialization, our species thrives by forming groups composed of individuals with complementary cognitive abilities. This specialization allows us to adapt more swiftly and flexibly to changing environments.
Success and Adaptiveness: The ability to adapt lies at the core of our species’ success. By leveraging diverse cognitive strengths within groups, we enhance our collective problem-solving capabilities.
The Dark Side: However, there’s a caveat. When groups lack this complementary balance, their behavior and culture can become maladaptive and unsustainable, leading to negative consequences.
Challenges and Solutions:
Scaling Adaptation: Many of today’s challenges stem from difficulties in adapting at scale. To address this, we must recognize that our adaptability relies on complementary cognition.
Awareness Matters: Historically, humans lived in highly collaborative hunter-gatherer tribes. To adapt effectively on a larger scale, we need awareness of this collective cognition.
Designing Systems: From education to the economy, we should intentionally design systems that nurture diverse thinking styles, effective communication, and collaboration.
Harnessing Complementary Cognition: By combining different cognitive search abilities, we can co-create superior technologies, solve complex problems, and accelerate sustainable adaptation.
Unlocking Dyslexia: Insights from Brain Imaging
Bennett Shaywitz
Sally E. Shaywitz
Yale researchers, led by the husband-and-wife team of Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D., and Bennett A. Shaywitz, M.D., used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to uncover a neural short circuit in dyslexic children. They identified the occipito-temporal area, or word-form area, in the back of the left side of the brain as crucial for skilled reading.
The disrupted neural circuits in this area were found to be present in dyslexic children, suggesting that dyslexia is an inherent condition. Early intervention is crucial, as shown by the urgency conveyed in the study's findings. The Shaywitzes emphasize that dyslexia is a real problem visual in brain with MRI, affecting around one in five children, irrespective of intelligence.
Although dyslexic children may compensate by using different brain areas for reading, early identification and intervention through specialized programs can make a significant impact on their reading abilities.
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